In April 2021 we moved to Christa’s family farm. The farm has been in her family since the 40’s, farming small grains, soybeans and sugar beets for 3 generations.  But we aren’t farmers.  And although starting a dog kennel may have seemed like a crazy idea to her dad, he gave us his blessing to “make it work” for us.  

Although we were excited to start something new, we are also both suckers for history and tradition.  Luckily, Christa’s dad is a local historian, and was able to share stories about the farm and area with us.

The backstory of the locale of the Great Divide Kennel began about 150 years ago. This entire area was settled by immigrants mostly from Scandinavia and Germany. There was division between these two groups of hearty settlers due mostly to culture and language. The land this kennel sits on was literally the Great Divide. Swedes and Norwegians settled to the west and Germans to the east. However, divisions were crossed as a Swede and a German fell in love, married, and called this place home. This was 1899. Since then this place has continued to be called home by many who crossed divides. In 1946 Christa’s grandparents, Delbert Evert, a German, and his wife Mildred, a Norwegian, purchased the homestead.  Three generations of farmers later, a new venture begins at the Great Divide as Travis, a North Dakotan, and Christa, a Minnesotan, decided to cross their divisions and follow their passion for dog training, breeding, and hunting on this land.

We, along with our three sons, are thrilled to welcome you to this place and excited to find common ground.  

–Travis and Christa Moszer