Born: 01/08/2024
Height: 22 1/2″
Weight: 43lb
NAVHDA – NA 112 Prize 1
Kep is a truly amazing dog and the reason that we have gone all in on the Braque Francais breed.
In the field, he is a very accomplished hunter and, even at a young age, displayed a ton of promise with an incredible nose. He likes to work at a fast pace but not so fast that he over runs the scent. He loves to run; my dad likes to say that he has a “gas tank that doesn’t run empty” as it’s not uncommon for him to cover 20-30+ miles in a day, on multi- day hunts, his tail wagging the entire time.
He is built to hunt prairie birds in wide open country and has proven to be an exceptional sharptail grouse hunter. Some of my favorite days are spent following him through “Big Prairie” searching for our next covey.
For as good as he is in wide open prairie he is quick to learn and will seek out “birdy” types of cover even when hunting a new species. When we are hunting prairie grouse in the wide open he will range out to 200+ yards, covering lots of ground and making it look easy. When hunting pheasants or quail in thicker cover, he will tighten up his range and likes to work 25-100 yards out. He has hunted everything from prairie grouse to pheasants, hungarian partridge and bobwhite quail, handling them all with ease.
He is also a natural retriever and is always carrying things around in his mouth. His favorites are the kids’ stuffed animals and towels. He also loves water and enjoys swimming and retrieving while at the lake.
As great as he is in the field, in the house is where he really shines. One of his best qualities is that he truly has an “off switch”, a quality he displayed even as a puppy. He is very affectionate and loves nothing more than the opportunity to cuddle up next to you. He likes to follow you from room to room and lay on the floor somewhere he can keep an eye on you. When it comes to kids, he is very patient and soaks up the attention. Our kids love to cuddle with Kep. He can often be found laying on the couch with them, snuggling up and sharing a blanket.