Our Dogs – Sunny

Soleil or “Sunny” is a French import from well known kennel Des Secrets D’ Une Reine and comes from long lines of very accomplished Braques. We couldn’t be happier that she is a part of our family.  

In the field she’s all business and has an independence that not many dogs possess at such a young age.  She has an extremely solid point, a very capable nose and backs naturally.  As a young dog she has shown the ability to hunt with more experienced dogs as though she is a seasoned professional. She has a very smooth and fluid gate and looks like she was born to be in the field.  

In the house she is extremely affectionate and always greets you with a squiggling body and a wagging tale.  She never passes up the opportunity to snuggle up next to you, and just loves to be loved.  She likes to learn and looks forward to our training sessions, always eager to please.  

The future is bright for this little girl and we are excited to take the journey together. Watch the headlines in the Braque world as she is sure to make some.